About a year and a half ago a school was given about 25 older projectors. They put into service the ones they wanted and the rest were just taking up space. So they decided to sell the rest for $50 each. At this time, I just used a section of the wall for the screen. It was not perfect but it worked. then about a year ago another school was closing and throwing away a lot of old equipment. I got a 7' stand up projector screen. It was ripped but some tape on the back fixed it up fine. This screen was good but I wanted it bigger and I wanted it to come down from the ceiling. I kept an eye out on Craigslist and one day came across a guy that had a brand new 11' coil up screen in his garage he never used and he only wanted $40 for it.
So now I have spent about $90 for it all. For Christmas, I asked for a Blue Ray player, and lo and behold I got one this last Christmas. now the only problem is if i want to play Netflix or something on the computer I have to connect my laptop, but then I cannot use it while we are watching the movie. Eventually, everyone in the house got a laptop of their own so we no longer needed the desktop. I took the tower and connected it up the put on a wireless keyboard and mouse that I could put on my lap. Now I have all this for under $100. The big thing is to be patient and keep looking. Be willing to put some work into it. Remember time is money and just like matter and energy one can be changed from one to the other. Either spend the time or spend the money.
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