What is this all about?

I have been asked by several friends to make a blog about the diffident hobbies and technical things I think about, come across, and create for a hobby and the stage. If you have something you would like me to build or explore please let me know. I am always looking for new ideas.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Selling the 3D printer

Selling the 3D printer

You read it right. I am selling the 3D printer. Two reasons. 1. I need the money. 2. I want to see how much it is worth in the real world. I have built it and I know I can do it. Someday, I will build a bigger one with a better print quality. My next projects will have more to do with school as I am going to be working on my MFA at UW Madison. But I do want to build a rail gun so keep your eyes out for that. You never know when I might have some crazy idea.

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